Green parenting renting guide

Babies grow fast, they go through 8 sizes in 2 years. This leaves parents with full wardrobes to organize and empty wallets. And by no surprise it's polluting the environment.

By re-using babywear we avoid short-term use and give them the longest lifetime possible.

Our babywear is washed at very high temperatures to ensure excellent hygiene standards, so they'll be as good as new for your baby to wear. All in all, we want you and your baby to enjoy each clothing item optimally.

How does it work?

Actually, it’s pretty simple! You rent babywear with the guarantee that they are clean, hygienic and in perfect condition.

Renting process, step by step

Pay monthly

Babies grow fast, in the beginning one size per month! With our unique renting service you only pay for the time you use the items.

You pay monthly, and start when your order is placed. With the first payment, we activate a monthly direct debit, meaning you’ll be charged every month for the following month.


If your baby outgrows their current size, or if you would like to change outfits you can easily swap items by clicking the link below. This link is located all over the website. Remember, you can swap it after 2 months!

I want to swap

Wait for the postperson

Smile, and happily collect your Red Orka delivery!


We do try, but we are probably not flawless. If you are not happy with our product, quality or service:
We are always here to help and our goal is to make you and your baby happy! Don't hesitate to contact us at